We provide physiotherapy and acupuncture for general bone and joint conditions, neck and back pain, shoulder/elbow strains, as well as hip/knee, ankle and foot conditions. Our program is unique as we truly integrate acupuncture and physiotherapy in our treatment by providing both treatments simultaneously to achieve better results for our patients. It is not acupuncture first and then physiotherapy or vice versa as if they are two separate treatment approaches. In addition, we offer a wide variety of services in which falls under the following categories:
Acupuncture-Traditional Chinese Acupuncture and Western Neuro-anatomical approach
Acupuncture and electro-acupuncture are offered as therapies for the management of acute and chronic pain utilizing both Traditional Chinese Medical Acupuncture and Western Acupuncture needling approach. We also provide the Traditional Chinese Acupuncture to treat a wide variety of conditions in additional to pain management, e.g., peri-menipausal symptoms, relaxation, substances withdrawal and etc.
Oncology Rehabilitation
We offer rehab to help clients improve their general well-being after chemo or radiation therapies related side effects. Our therapists help their clients design and implement personalized exercise programs, plan the return to work process, control general fatigue and stress.
Neurological Rehabilitation
We offer one-on-one sessions for up to 1 hour for patients who are in need of specialized physical rehabilitation services following a stroke. Based on the patient’s needs, treatment may encompass gait re-training, improving gross motor function, balance, and upper and lower extremity specific function.
Women and Pelvic Health
Meghavi is specialised in Pelvic physiotherapy (Women’s health). She has completed her LEVEL 1 and 2 of Pelvic health courses. Meghavi has a knowledge of treating conditions related to incontinence, prolapses, pelvic girdle pain, pregnancy & post-natal related dysfunction, and diastasis recti. She strongly believes in Client centred approach Where finding the root cause of the problem and educating her patients is the key to achieve their goals. She loves to work with her patients with various techniques like manual therapy, soft tissue release, tapping, and exercises prescription.
How it Works
Step 1: Book Appointment
Please give a call or send us an email to set up an appointment. Our front desk will be more than happy to schedule a time with you and go over clinic procedures. Note that no doctor’s referral is necessary. To see our contact information, please click the button below.
Step 2: Assessment
Our fully-registered physiotherapists will conduct a detailed initial assessment in order to establish a baseline and determine a clinical diagnosis. Every client is actively involved in setting the goals of treatment with the therapist, as we believe the client’s goals are the priority. Regular re-assessments are performed to ensure that clients are receiving the most effective treatment as their condition improves.
Step 3: Treatment
Specific areas of treatment expertise include neck, back, and athletic conditions such as: post-surgical rehabilitation of all joints, ligamentous sprains, peripheral joint instability, and specific injuries (eg. running, throwing). Treatment may last up to a couple weeks.