Enoch Ho

Registered Physiotherapist, Registered Acupuncture, CAFCI, MPH

Enoch received his education and training in Hong Kong. He immigrated to Canada in 1991 and since then, he has been practicing both physiotherapy and acupuncture in Ontario. Currently, he’s a registered member in both the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario and the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario. Enoch currently operates his own physiotherapy clinic providing direct patient care to the greater Hamilton community. 

In addition, Enoch is heavily involved with education, teaching physiotherapy and acupuncture courses at McMaster University. He supervises students from the Nursing Department, School of Physiotherapy, and the Labor Study Department at McMaster University in their research projects or clinical placements. He has developed advanced acupuncture courses combining the use of TCM theory and the contemporary Fascia approach in Canada, and have been teaching these courses. He has been holding webinar training sessions for physiotherapists in Canada through the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. He also developed a COVID Physical Rehabilitation Program to support local public health office for front line staff.

Enoch has a diverse set of research interests, ranging from care models to the application of acupuncture in various conditions such as stroke, myofascial pain and inflammatory bowel syndrome. He’s written chapters in Acupuncture textbooks and has published his research findings in national and international conferences and journals.